Meilleur is a premium quality, easy to take vitamin & mineral supplement

Best Choices - Best Health

Maintain your Good Health

Insufficient nutrient levels do not necessarily cause immediate illness but can contribute to; increased vulnerability to disease, reduced resilience, and long-term health risks.

The effects of sub-optimal nutrient levels often develop slowly, "sneaking up" over time.

They may not be immediately noticeable but can affect your long-term health, energy, and vitality.

For instance bone health, often appears as an issue; we tend not to think about it until something dramatic or painful happens to someone close to us, or to ourselves.

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Ideally we would get all the nutrients we need from our diet

But our Independent Scientific Studies and Analysis of Food, show this can be difficult.

If we want to compensate for these shortfalls, taking a high quality well-balanced supplement makes good sense.

Meilleur has been carefully formulated after studying the food we likely eat and referring to Nutrient Reference Values and Upper Safe Limits.

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Family Doctor has been helping people with their health for over 30 years

Selling over 7 million health publications on specific conditions.

Trust, integrity and quality are our values. Which is why we are confident to have produced Meilleur. A complete Vitamin & Mineral Formulation.

Balanced Nutrients making a strong foundation, taking the guess work out of your Daily Routine.

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Meilleur is a Comprehensive Vitamin & Mineral Food Supplement

Formulated and produced in the UK to the highest standards, to reinforce your daily nutrition.

Suitable for adults - just one small capsule + a sachet daily.

A small investment in your health - replacing an expensive cupboard full of bottles.

Premium Nutrients in meaningful but not huge doses, including:

Vitamin C

Vitamin D



B Complexes

Plus an all round Multi Vitamin + Mineral formula

Coenzyme Q-10

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If you choose supplements to ‘Fill the Gap’ in your daily diet, Meilleur provides only the Nutrients you want – no Extras.

There are no Colourings, Flavourings & Preservatives to be taken day after day.

The sachet powder includes just the 3 Nutrients you need – Vitamin C, Magnesium + Calcium.

So you can have the choice + control over whether you wish to sweeten them to taste or not.

We haven't taken that decison for you.

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Why choose Meilleur?

Suitable for adults.
It includes a ‘once a day’ small capsule and a sachet.

They contain nutrients in powder form that are:

Premium Quality


No ‘Extras’ like sweeteners, binders + preservatives

Balanced + Thoughtful Formulation

Complete + Convenient

Easy to Swallow



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Why take a Vitamin & Mineral Supplement?

It can be difficult to obtain all the necessary nutrients we need form our diet alone.

Our bodies need all the right pieces to function at the optimum level.

Meilleur Vitamin & Mineral Supplement can support your:

Overall Well-Being

Long-Term Health

Healthy Immune System

Nutrient Deficiency        

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Ideally, we would get all the Nutrients we need from the food we eat

However, our scientific food studies show this can be challenging, due to:

Deterioration with Time

Our Food Choices

Pesticides + Herbicides

Soil Damage

Soil Nutrient Depletion

Commercial Pressures

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